Sunday, December 29, 2019

Communication as the Key to Good Writing Essay - 1067 Words

Communication as the Key to Good Writing Writing as it exists in this world can be interpreted an infinite amount of ways. Some believe it to be communication, some self expression. Some believe that it is a tool to explain one self, others think it complicates things. Ultimately, writing is used for remembering things so that you can eventually communicate with yourself and others about what you thought at a previous time. If you can talk without confusing, then you can write without confusing. It is as simple as that. In order for someone to become a good writer, all that person has got to do is make sense of their feelings by writing them down in a fashion that is understood by those who one wishes to communicate with. That is, tell†¦show more content†¦The truth is that it does not matter what you write about, what tone you use, what voice you are in, or any other definite literary device you use to put your thoughts to the page. If you can not convince or relate, you will not associate with the reader. It is n o different when talking. Boredom is just that, boring situations. People do not read what is boring nor do they talk to boring people for very long. But a realization must be made about what is boring to individuals because everyone plays their own game. So to write good is to relate good with whom you are trying to associate with. An example can be made of the last sentence printed previous to this one. To write good is to relate good is a collection of words that will turn most high school English teachers in their sleep. The sentence is compiled of poor grammar and a fragmented phrase. But it is a sentence that almost any person can read and understand. It could have been phrased in the following manner: To write in a manner that is well understood can be done by appealing to the individual or individuals that you are attempting to reach with your literature. or possibly like this: Proper writing can be accomplished by phrasing words in a manner that the reader can find both appealing and interesting. The two other ways that the phrase Writing good is relating good both say the same thing but are written in such a manner thatShow MoreRelatedThe Self Assessment Test ( Bethel University, 2014 )908 Words   |  4 Pagesneed to improve on, as well as areas that I have enhanced in (Bethel University, 2014). The five weakest areas in my life go hand in hand. My weakest areas are Writing, the ability to conduct research, the ability to adapt to change, my self esteem and confidence, and the ability to focus on one thing at a time (Bethel University, 2014). Writing, research, and grammar are my first areas of weakness I want to master. 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