Sunday, December 29, 2019

Communication as the Key to Good Writing Essay - 1067 Words

Communication as the Key to Good Writing Writing as it exists in this world can be interpreted an infinite amount of ways. Some believe it to be communication, some self expression. Some believe that it is a tool to explain one self, others think it complicates things. Ultimately, writing is used for remembering things so that you can eventually communicate with yourself and others about what you thought at a previous time. If you can talk without confusing, then you can write without confusing. It is as simple as that. In order for someone to become a good writer, all that person has got to do is make sense of their feelings by writing them down in a fashion that is understood by those who one wishes to communicate with. That is, tell†¦show more content†¦The truth is that it does not matter what you write about, what tone you use, what voice you are in, or any other definite literary device you use to put your thoughts to the page. If you can not convince or relate, you will not associate with the reader. It is n o different when talking. Boredom is just that, boring situations. People do not read what is boring nor do they talk to boring people for very long. But a realization must be made about what is boring to individuals because everyone plays their own game. So to write good is to relate good with whom you are trying to associate with. An example can be made of the last sentence printed previous to this one. To write good is to relate good is a collection of words that will turn most high school English teachers in their sleep. The sentence is compiled of poor grammar and a fragmented phrase. But it is a sentence that almost any person can read and understand. It could have been phrased in the following manner: To write in a manner that is well understood can be done by appealing to the individual or individuals that you are attempting to reach with your literature. or possibly like this: Proper writing can be accomplished by phrasing words in a manner that the reader can find both appealing and interesting. The two other ways that the phrase Writing good is relating good both say the same thing but are written in such a manner thatShow MoreRelatedThe Self Assessment Test ( Bethel University, 2014 )908 Words   |  4 Pagesneed to improve on, as well as areas that I have enhanced in (Bethel University, 2014). The five weakest areas in my life go hand in hand. My weakest areas are Writing, the ability to conduct research, the ability to adapt to change, my self esteem and confidence, and the ability to focus on one thing at a time (Bethel University, 2014). Writing, research, and grammar are my first areas of weakness I want to master. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Comparing Buddhism And The Bhagavad - 1453 Words

Comparing and Contrasting Early Buddhism and the Bhagavad GÄ «tÄ  Early Buddhism and the Bhagavad GÄ «tÄ  have a wide array similarities and differences. Both Buddhism and the Gita deal with an inner struggle. We see Arjuna dealing with the struggle of whether or not he should murder his family in order to obtain a kingdom. In Buddhism, we see the inner struggle as the quest to find nirvana and the pain that is the very act of living. Although there are some similarities, the differences between Buddhism and the Gita are clear. One of the biggest digressions between the two is how one deals with the notion of atman and how one must live their life in order to reach the ultimate goal of nirvana or moksha. One of the most important divergences between Buddhism and the Gita is how dharma is interpreted. In the Bhagavad GÄ «tÄ  Krishna is able to shed some light on the significance of dharma. On the subject of dharma Krishna says: â€Å"It is better to strive in one’s own dharma than to succeed in the dharma of another. Nothing is ever l ost in following one’s own dharma. But competition in another’s dharma breeds fear and insecurity† (BG 3:35). Here Krishna is talking to Arjuna. Krishna is trying to get the point across that Arjuna is always better off following his svadharma rather than adhering to what others want him to do. It is important for Arjuna to follow his own path in order to reach moksha. Krishna is stressing that Arjuna must follow the path that has been carved outShow MoreRelatedThe Bhagavad Git A Conversation Between Arjuna, Krishna And The Blessed One853 Words   |  4 PagesThe Bhagavad Gita focus on a conversation between Arjuna, Krishna and The Blessed one. During this conversation Arjuna is questioning whether he should fight against his own family. He knows that it is fate to do so, but he wants to avoid during. The battle is supposed to be physical Arjuna ends having an emotional battle within himself. To go against his faith or deal with the consequences of killing his o wn family. The Bhagavad Gita shows how religion influences a follower’s judgement on a situationRead MoreSimilarities Between Buddhism And Hinduism1404 Words   |  6 Pages Buddhism and Hinduism are closely related when comparing the two. Buddhism was created based on the ideologies of Hinduism. There differences on their views with the idea of self and transmigration. They compare with one another with the problems of having senses, desires and anger. Hinduism believes in everything being unified together as one ultimate reality, which is Brahman. Brahman is the truth of all. Atman is considered as the true and pure self. Atman and Brahman are identical with oneRead MoreThe Beginning Of Buddhism And India1216 Words   |  5 PagesThe beginning of Buddhism started in 5th century B.C. in India (Violatti). Siddhartha, also referred to as Buddha, was said to have seen the suffering of the world and set out a way to fix it. He was said to have reached a state of enlightenment that was said to have begun at the end of attachments. These attachments were said to have been able to be achieved through a large amount of meditation and analysis of the world (Violatti, Buddhism). Buddhism does not have a direct set of books to followRead MoreComparing Moksha And Nirvan The Buddhist Concept Of Nirvana2308 Words   |  10 PagesComparing Moksha and Nirvana I want to compare the Hindu concept of moksha to the Buddhist concept of nirvana. Moksha is the main goal of Hinduism, and nirvana is the main goal of Buddhism. Moksha is viewed by Hindus as freedom from the cycle of reincarnation (Narayanan, 37). Nirvana is viewed by Buddhists as having a life that is free from all desire and suffering of the world (Taylor, 249). Both Hindus and Buddhists search to achieve these goals in their religions. They both want to be releasedRead MoreAp World History Units 1-3 Study Guide Essay4374 Words   |  18 Pageswas * The rise of guilds, which essentially served as jati 24. The greatest social contribution of the Jains was * The fact that they did not recognize social hierarchies based on caste 25. When Krishna tells Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita, â€Å"Having regards to your own duty, you ought not to falter, for there is nothing better for a Kshatriya than a righteous battle,† he is referring to what Hindu principle? * Dharma 26. The political structure of the ancient Greeks

Friday, December 13, 2019

70-640 Lesson 11 Free Essays

Lesson 11 Active Directory Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Disaster Recovery Knowledge Assessment Matching a. authoritative restoref. LDP b. We will write a custom essay sample on 70-640 Lesson 11 or any similar topic only for you Order Now checkpoint fileg. system volume c. Directory Services Restore Modeh. tombstone d. fragmentationi. transaction buffer e. garbage collectionj. Windows PowerShell __h__ 1. This object is created when an object is deleted within Active Directory. __i__ 2. Active Directory changes are written here before they are committed to disk. __j__ 3. This is a new advanced command-line and scripting interface included in Windows Server 2008. __g__ 4. This volume houses the boot files for a Windows Server 2008 computer. __e__ 5. This describes the process of removing tombstoned objects from the NTDS. DIT file. __a__ 6. You will need to perform this operation if you have inadvertently deleted one or more Active Directory objects. __f__ 7. This is a graphical user interface that will allow you to query Active Directory as part of the troubleshooting process. __b__ 8. This is used as a reference file in case the Active Directory database needs to be recovered from a system failure to ensure that no transactions are lost. _c__ 9. To perform many Active Directory maintenance operations, you will need to restart your domain controller in this startup mode. __d__ 10. This can decrease database performance because updates are made to the Active Directory over time. Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following backup types can be initiated by a member of the local Administrators group or a member of the local Backup Operators group on a Windo ws Server 2008 computer? a. Manual backup b. Scheduled backup c. Full backup d. Differential backup A manual backup can be rescheduled by a local administrator or member of the local Backup Operators group. Scheduled backups can only be created by members of the local Administrators group. 2. The NTDS. DIT file is based on which database technology? a. Structured Query Language (SQL) b. Oracle c. Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) d. My*SQL The NTDS. DIT file is based on the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) data storage format, not Microsoft SQL as some people believe. 3. Which of the following commands can be used to configure Active Directory permissions from the command line? . LDP b. Dsacls c. Dcdiag d. ADSI Edit The dsacls. exe command-line utility can be used to list and modify Active Directory permissions for a particular object or container. 4. What runs automatically on a domain controller every 12 hours by default during the garbage collection process? a. Offline defragmentation b. Authoritative restore c. Nonauthoritative restore d. Online defragmentation Online defragmentat ion on an Active Directory domain controller is also known as the garbage collection process. 5. Which tool can you use to force a domain controller to start in Directory Services Restore Mode on its next reboot? a. cmd. exe b. bootmgr. exe c. bcdedit. exe d. dcpromo. exe Apart from pressing F8 during the system boot, you can configure a Windows Server 2008 computer to automatically boot into Directory Services Restore Mode by using the bcdedit. exe command-line utility before rebooting the server. 6. Which operation requires the Active Directory Domain Service to be taken offline? a. Offline defragmentation b. Online defragmentation c. Garbage Collection d. Transaction Buffering Of the operations listed, only an offline defragmentation requires you to take the Active Directory database offline, whether through rebooting into DSRM or by using the new restartable Active Directory feature. 7. Which of the following backup types can be initiated only by a member of the local Administrators group on a Windows Server 2008 computer? a. Manual backup b. Scheduled backup c. Full backup d. Differential backup Unlike manual backups, scheduled backups can only be created by members of the local Administrators group on a Windows Server 2008 computer. 8. Which backup type will empty the Application log on the server that is being backed up? a. Copy backup b. Differential backup c. Normal backup d. VSS full backup VSS full backup will update each file’s backup history and clear the Application Log files. 9. Which of the following volumes hosts the Windows operating system? a. Boot volume b. Shared volume c. System volume d. Host volume The boot volume holds the Windows operating system and the Registry. 10. When performing an authoritative restore of a user object that belongs to multiple Active Directory groups, what is restored by the LDF file that is generated by Ntdsutil? . Optional attributes b. Mandatory attributes c. Back-links d. Security Identifier (SID) In a multi-domain environment, back-links need to be manually re-created after an authoritative restore by using the LDIF files generated automatically by ntdsutil. CASE SCENARIOS Scenario 11-1: Consulting for Margie’s Travel You are a computer consultant for Ma rgie Shoop, the owner of Margie’s Travel. Margie has a single Active Directory domain structure with the domain margiestravel. com. Margie has travel agencies worldwide, at 50 locations in 7 countries. All locations are connected to a satellite array. Margie has signed a 10-year contract to provide satellite access to her 50 locations. Connectivity to the satellite array varies from 57 Kbps to 128 Kbps. Although her locations vary greatly in the number of computer and user accounts, each location with more than 15 users has its own domain controller, global catalog server, and DNS server, all typically configured on the same computer. The margiestravel. com Active Directory infrastructure has nine sites. Given this information about Margie’s Travel, answer the following questions: 1. You discuss performance monitoring with Margie. During your conversation, you learn no one has ever used Replication and Performance Monitor to check the performance of her domain controllers. Margie wants to know why anyone would even bother. What do you say to her? Replication and Performance Monitor is used to provide one-time and ongoing reports of Active Directory performance counters, which can be used to proactively monitor Active Directory for potential hardware and software issues that might impact client authentication. 2. Margie tells you that some of her domain controllers have multiple hard disks. She tells you that the additional physical hard disks are not being used. She wants to know if they can be used to improve the performance of Active Directory. What would you tell her? The Active Directory database and log files can be moved to different hard disks within a server to improve performance. 3. Margie sends you to Cairo, Egypt, to troubleshoot a few domain controllers in her Egypt location. You find some event messages concerning replication events, but you would like to see more detailed information than the data in the log now. What can you do? Modify the debugging levels in the Registry to increase the number of events that are logged to the Event Viewer. How to cite 70-640 Lesson 11, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Modest Proposal Jonathan Swift Essay Example For Students

A Modest Proposal Jonathan Swift Essay In very simple terms, A Modest Proposal is a satire of the social and economic events in Ireland. It was written in the early eighteenth century in an attempt to shame England and to shock Ireland. Jonathan Swift lived in an Ireland which was a colony, politically, militarily, and economically dependent on England. England was happy to keep things as they were to keep Ireland weak. The result was an overpopulated and poor Ireland. Swift offers a solution for the problems of Ireland in a practical manner. Through his ironic prose, Swift suggests one solution for both the problem of overpopulation and the growing numbers of starving people. The idea is to breed the children of Ireland for food and then sale the carcasses to England to improve Ireland’s living conditions. Swift was writing in response to the belief that the English are taking control and destroying the Irish. It definitely shows England as the villain. † For this kind of commodity will not bear exportation, the flesh being of too tender a consistence to admit a long continuance in salt, although perhaps I could name a country, which would be glad to eat up our whole nation without it. † This writing also gives equal responsibility to the Irish for their plight. Swift was extremely enraged at the passivity of the Irish people. It was an attempt to shock the Irish out of their lethargic state. Swift had made numerous proposals to the Irish Parliament which were ignored. These proposals included the taxing of absentee landlords, to encourage the Irish industries and to improve the land. A Modest Proposal is a parody of Swift’s own serious proposals. â€Å"But, as to myself, having been wearied out for many years with offering vain, idle, visionary thoughts, and at length utterly despairing of success,† By mentioning his clearly more rational ideas that would have helped Ireland rectify things, Swift pokes fun of his fellow Irishmen. In his proposal he asks that no one talk of these ideas unless there is an attempt to put them into practice. He speaks of the poverty and terrible life conditions of his fellow Irish. The oppressed, ignorant and hungry peasants that are desperate for any type of salvation even though this might require the sacrificing of their young, â€Å"first ask the parents of these mortals, whether they would not at this day think it a great happiness to have been sold for food at a year old. After all these peasants were so desperate that they were already murdering their bastard children to avoid the expense. He uses shock value to try and open their eyes. Swift wrote this proposal with such a rational voice and logic that he makes it seem feasible. As Swift mentions the many different advantages of his proposal, it does make perfect sense that it would help the Irish help themselves out of their plight. He makes it even more persuasive when he urges others to describe a better way to solve the problem.